Nordic aliens are sometimes described as being magical with telepathic powers. Many people who have encountered them say they are paternal, watchful, smiling, affectionate and youthful. Unlike grey aliens, the Nordic species is described as being friendly toward humans, and simply curious about our civilization.
Nordic aliens are described as having a human-like appearance and closely resembling people from Scandinavian countries. It is said the species are about 6-7 feet tall, pale, with blonde hair, and blue eyes. They are also said to be very skinny with long legs, large foreheads and often being physically attractive.
The legend of Nordic aliens began in 1954, when a mother heard strange noises coming from outside. She dismissed the noises initially though, as she thought it was her two children messing around in the yard.
The mother then went to check from the window and found her children staring at the sky. The children told her that they saw something flying around above their house.
Then, she spotted the object. It was a UFO with Nordic aliens staring at them. Shocked and terrified, the mother pulled her kids inside the house to keep them safe.
Moments later, she stepped outside, and the object flew away. It is unknown what their motive was for watching them, but some speculate that the Nordic aliens were examining the Earth.
Since the first sighting, encounters with the Nordics mostly happened in Europe during the 1950s.
Some people who have been abducted say that they were told by the Nordic aliens that they were visiting Earth from the star cluster known as the Pleiades. Others say they are from Venus.
There are Several notable individuals who claim to have been abducted by Nordics.
George Adamski was a polish American author who claimed to have been abducted by the Nordics, and that they flew around space together to the moon and other planets. Skeptics refute his stories though and claim he was a con artist. Still, many people still believe him.
Travis Walton, a logger who was abducted in the 1970’s, claims he encountered Nordics during his abduction. His abduction is often seen as one of the most legitimate UFO abduction cases in history.
Despite these accounts and other abductees, many dismiss the possibility of Nordics being real.
Others believe the aliens intentions are different.
Some theorize that the beings are not so friendly and that they hypnotized abductees to make them believe they’re encounter was amicable.
Perhaps one day an answer will emerge, until then their existence will remain controversial.